“They will come knocking on my door if something happens. They make the correlation.” New York City Firefighter, Jason Charles
We think about, research, study, discuss… flexible strategies for adapting to our environment. Things that have always been part of living in an ever-changing world. Yet, when the climate crisis is real, obvious, fierce, evident… there’s no time to simply “adapt” to our environment anymore.
“Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.” INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE
We only have time to act. The evidence is there.
“Scientific evidence is clear that our climate is changing. We know this from:
- direct surface temperature measurements
- changes in rainfall and weather patterns
- an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events
- loss of Arctic sea ice
- sea level rise
- melting of the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, and from the NZ Southern Alps
- shifts in the geographic ranges distribution of some plant and animal species
- earlier unfolding of new leaves in spring
- changes in bird migration patterns.
Many of these changes pose serious risks to human life and property.”
While a small group of scientists joins an also small part of the world in denial of the climate crisis, the U.S. scientific community – which has historically led the world in research on issues affecting the quality of life – shows us that when we talk about the climate crisis, the evidence is there.
“Climate change has dug in its claws so thoroughly into the planet that its marks can be seen in any single day”. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC
Now, individually, are we addressing climate change? Researchers say politicians are not as worried as they need to be about doing the right thing, and politicians say researchers are too slow, picky, complicated… even when the evidence is there.
“The idea of preparing for the end of the world might conjure images of wild-eyed people in tin foil hats hiding in bunkers. In reality, normal people of many different backgrounds, races, and income levels spend their days preparing for the worst.” BUSINESS INSIDER
So, we wonder: What could we do? When should we prepare? How do we choose among options? According to positions “taken by many psychological models of judgment and decision-making ” either “the brain computes the value of different options and simply favors options with higher values” or “values are computed but the resulting choices depend heavily on the context of available options” or “choice depends directly on comparisons.” NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH
Yet, what “available” option other than to act can we choose when – in regards to the climate crisis – the evidence is there.
“We know that climate change is happening – but there are plenty of things individuals can do to help mitigate it. Here’s your handy guide to the most effective strategies.” BBC